Thursday, June 20, 2013

I forgot, I even had this.

It's been so long since I've been on here! I would really have to say about two years maybe?
I'm glad I found it tho. Because now I have a place where I can write and blog and no one will know and I an express myself completely.
It's been tough lately. So many medical problems, so many bills due to those problems. And so much stress that comes a long with everything.
I hope I do remember to use this more often. Maybe it'll help me vent?

Thursday, February 23, 2012

I have been gone.

I have had no time for anything. Sounds a bit crazy. I just really could use some friends. In due time I'm more then sure I will find those who are true and worth keeping in life. For now I will keep drawing, that's my way to carry on and cope with change.

I have been gone.

I have had no time for anything. Sounds a bit crazy. I just really could use some friends. In due time I'm more then sure I will find those who are true and worth keeping in life. For now I will keep drawing, that'y my way to carry on and cope with change.